Quacking UP with Felicia Brown, Success Spotlight!

Nov 04, 2021

She is my competition… and why I love having her in my Mastermind!

Today, I want to highlight someone who is an Elevate Mastermind Member (now The Mastermind Course Library), Business, Marketing, and Life Coach, Speaker, and Best Selling Author…. Meet Felicia Brown, who also helps beauty, spa, wellne...

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Success Spotlight, Meet Ann Bell!

Nov 04, 2021

I wanted to share this inspirational story with you...

Meet Ann Bell, she was an Elevate Mastermind member (which is now The Mastermind Course Library), an experienced massage therapist & a life coach. When the pandemic happened Ann (like many others) was forced to shut down her business overnight. T...

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Success Spotlight, Meet Bernadette Sakiyama

Nov 04, 2021
Check out another Elevate Mastermind Success Story! *(please note, Elevate Mastermind is now The Mastermind Course Library)
Bernadette Sakiyama is a Holistic Health Practitioner who served her clients for thirteen years, helping them find solutions to their aches and pain and get resu...
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Get Your Motivation Back!

Sep 15, 2021

“Of course motivation is not permanent. But then, neither is bathing; but it is something you should do on a regular basis.” – Zig Ziglar

Motivation comes and goes but it's what moves us forward towards our goals so when it wanes I take action! Here are a few things to look at if you aren't feeling...

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There is always a way! Every problem has infinite solutions.

Aug 17, 2021

Recently I've been puzzling and I've been in a state of indecision over some business decisions. Have you ever noticed how indecision is actually a decision to stay stuck?

Making a move in a direction, even the wrong direction will move you out of stuckness and eventually onto the right path. Faili...

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How to start anything!

Aug 08, 2021

This week I'm on a 7-day "workcation" alone at the beach, just me, my projects & ideas, food, my laptop, and an unreasonable number of notebooks. Yesterday I arrived, grocery shopped, and got organized for my week. Today I got up bright and early for a beach walk and then got to work!

My first work...

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Solve any problem, live your dream life!

Aug 08, 2021

What do we all possess an unlimited supply of that can solve any problem? CREATIVITY!

Need more time? Look at your schedule with new eyes, brainstorm creative solutions, try things.

Need more money? Get creative, look for places to save, things to sell, ways to earn more, start that side hustle, t...

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5 things to ask yourself every morning that will make an impact on your day!

Aug 04, 2021

It's easy to jump into the busyness of the day, getting ready, thinking about the to-do list, taking care of children, pets, and so on.... When we just jump straight in we are generally reacting to the world around us, other people's expectations, wand, and needs. Of course, there is a time and a pl...

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10 Awesome things you can do today for your mental health!

Aug 02, 2021

If you are feeling stressed with the busyness of life and a long to-do list. Try some of these ideas to lighten your load a bit! I was inspired to create this list when I realized a Facebook group I had recently joined was not a great place for me to be, I left the group and felt so much better.

I ...

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Making Everyday Day a Great Day!

Jul 26, 2021

Whenever I'm feeling frustrated or out of sorts (aka out of alignment), it's usually because I've been doing too much, and focusing on the wrong things. It's natural to notice what's going wrong rather than all of the things going right! Studies show that we humans actually have a negativity bias!

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