Welcome June! Journaling prompts and intention setting for June

journaling life mindset Jun 01, 2024

June is here, and I am ready!

This morning, I was thinking of a few fun journaling prompts for welcoming June and the light energy of summer. These are in addition to my normal monthly and money goals.

How do I want to feel in June?

What am I most looking forward to in June? 

What can I do...

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Bloom Where You Are Planted 🌼

Bloom Where You Are Planted

That saying has been going through my head for over a week. I have a tendency to be "head in the clouds" making big plans and dreaming big dreams. So much so that I can overlook the people and opportunities right in front of me. 

We visited friends last Saturday...

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THE Four Ways To Make More Money In Your Massage Business


We are here to discuss four ways to make more money in your massage therapy business!

In this article, we’ll review:

  • How To Get New Clients as a Massage Therapist by Selling Gift Certificates and Using Google Business Profile
  • And how you can make money as a massage therapist by increasing...
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Why I Love "the hustle" ❤️ and my favorite quote

Uncategorized Apr 12, 2024

Today, I want to talk to you about the word hustle. This is a word that I think is open to a lot of interpretation. And I often hear people say they don't believe in “hustle culture.” Or, they don't subscribe to hustle culture. 

But I love that word. And I want to hustle because...

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Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series with Gael Wood

Are you an entrepreneur looking to grow your business and achieve your goals? Join me in my podcast interview in “Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series” with Janis Melillo. If you're looking for inspiration to help you build the life you want, the tips and lessons we’ll be...

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Daily Messages (Feb 20 - Feb 26) How I Learned to Love Marketing, Procrastination, 5 Fun Things and more!

Uncategorized Apr 13, 2023


How I Learned to love marketing 

I haven't always loved marketing. I thought it was a necessary evil. I knew I had to get the word out about my business, but I worried that I would waste my money, bother people, or be seen negatively.

Growing up, I didn't know any entrepreneurs. And...

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Do This Consistently and Give Yourself a Raise!

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2023
Do this consistently and give yourself a raise! 🤩💵
Join the Effortless Upgrades Challenge for just $7
Or join the Massage and Spa Success Coaching Club and lock 🔒 in your discount https://www.elevatewithgael.com/massage-and-spa-success-library-special-offer
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Super Practical - Paid Advertising Tips

Uncategorized Mar 22, 2023

Super practical - paid advertising tips and figuring out what's right for you   


The Massage and Spa Success Guide is essential for anyone looking to start, manage or grow their massage or spa business. Whether you have years of experience or are new to the industry, this...

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Daily Marketing Tip #14: You Can't Please Everyone!

Uncategorized Mar 18, 2023

You can't please everyone! Daily Marketing with Gael - Insights, Ideas, and Implementation #14 


The Massage and Spa Success Guide is an essential guide for anyone looking to start, manage or grow their massage or spa business. Whether you have years of experience or are new to...

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Daily Marketing Tip #13: There's more than one way to win in marketing!

Uncategorized Mar 15, 2023

There's more than one way to win in marketing! Acknowledging your progress and what you can track. Daily Marketing with Gael - Insights, Ideas, and Implementation #13

The Massage and Spa Success Guide is an essential guide for anyone looking to start, manage or grow their massage or spa...

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