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There is always a way! Every problem has infinite solutions.

decisions gael wood Aug 17, 2021

Recently I've been puzzling and I've been in a state of indecision over some business decisions. Have you ever noticed how indecision is actually a decision to stay stuck?

Making a move in a direction, even the wrong direction will move you out of stuckness and eventually onto the right path. Failing forward, learning as we go, right?

I decided to make a move and just go through my products one by one and decide if I would move them, retire them, and maybe leave a few just having a simplified shop. This is for my Massage and Spa Success business, as I'm transitioning to having Elevate with Gael as my main business. 

I made the move and decided to have a closeout sale with a goal of being sorted and headed in the right direction by January 1, 2022. Today on a coaching call with a client, she ended up coaching ME, as often happens. She mentioned another mentor of hers that would send products to "the vault" and then every year or two "open the vault" and have a flash sale or promotion! 

Yes! That feels like a great option, I had been limited in my thinking, only seeing two options when there are dozens, hundreds, and probably even more. It's so easy to get tunnel vision about our lives/businesses/options. So, I can have a vault. I can open it later, or not. I don't have to delete valuable business assets "forever" just because they aren't my current focus. 

We do it all the time, I coach people on this all the time and I still was in the trap. There are infinite answers for every problem, and forward motion creates the energy towards finding the right path. You won't find any path if you sit in the parking lot in your car in indecision. 



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