How to start anything!

Aug 08, 2021

This week I'm on a 7-day "workcation" alone at the beach, just me, my projects & ideas, food, my laptop, and an unreasonable number of notebooks. Yesterday I arrived, grocery shopped, and got organized for my week. Today I got up bright and early for a beach walk and then got to work!

My first workcation was in 2015, I ran off to Saint Augustine for my first Massage and Spa Resource Bundle Sale. I made over $5,000 on that idea, it was my first "big" successful launch. In 2014 I made $900 online with one Ebook, in 2015 $9,000 and in 2016 it was over $90,000!! Now I wish I had kept 10Xing each year, but I've been over six figures each year since (in sales not take home).

I was thinking today about getting started. What makes some people start and keep going while other people wish and think "must be nice"?

How did I start? I often say it started with my first blog post but before that, I had to invest in my domain name, and create my site. Maybe it started with a planner that I purchased that got me dreaming about new possibilities, like my Designing Your Dream Life Workbook is designed to do? Maybe it was years earlier when I sold stuff on Ebay as a single mom so "online business" and multiple streams of income didn't seem quite so impossible?

I think it started with the decision to try and invest in myself, with time, money, and energy. To take a risk, get out of my comfort zone, and go all-in on me. My dreams and goals just keep expanding and I hope yours are too! I hope you see opportunities rather than obstacles, and that you will say YES to the nudges of your ideas and your soul.


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