Quacking UP with Felicia Brown, Success Spotlight!

Nov 04, 2021

She is my competition… and why I love having her in my Mastermind!

Today, I want to highlight someone who is an Elevate Mastermind Member (now The Mastermind Course Library), Business, Marketing, and Life Coach, Speaker, and Best Selling Author…. Meet Felicia Brown, who also helps beauty, spa, wellness professionals, and heart-centered entrepreneurs, just like I do!  

Here is what Felicia has to say about the Elevate Mastermind:

“I love Gael's easy approachable way of delivering her experiences and advice. Her easy-going, light-hearted perspective is uplifting and inspiring. I always gain some useful insight or suggestions I can put into place in my business. Being a part of the group and talking with other members about ideas and challenges can also be fun and helpful. 

Gael has helped me move some of my courses and products online which I've wanted to do for a long time. Working with her has also given me the confidence to create some new offerings for a new, fun passion of mine, rubber ducks.”

Felicia has a new e-book coming out that she is very excited about called: "Quacking Up: How Racing Rubber Ducks Saved My Sanity"  it is filled with fun, life lessons and wisdom that is applicable to most everyone from business owners to bodyworkers - and anyone who likes rubber ducks. (Be sure to grab a copy!)

There is a place for you inside The Mastermind Course Library, whether you’re a complete newbie to an online business, a business coach yourself, or anywhere in between…Even those of us that are making money online and have created a successful business still need coaching, we still need support and encouragement from our peers. We are always learning, and growing throughout life and in business. 

I loved having Felicia in the Mastermind because there was no competition, confidence has no competition. Inside The Mastermind Course Library we  all root for each other and inspire each other. Imagine what you could achieve if you had the support of a complete resource library, and a coach!

Don’t wait, join now!

✨*The Mastermind Course Library, as well as Gael's current coaching offers, can be found in the Elevate Shop HERE.✨

Inside this Mastermind Course Library, you will learn how to create additional streams of income, or take the next step into teaching, mentoring, coaching, writing & creating your unique business. Get ready to transform every area of your life!

The course library is packed full of business courses, guidance and support. Check out just some of what is included in the Business Course Library:

  • An 8 week Online Business Basics Course
  • Marketing workshops and classes focusing on content creation, email marketing, selling with confidence, and more 
  • Business systems to create your brand and online presence by just being yourself
  • An E-book writing and publishing bootcamp

And a whole lot more!

What can be found inside the Mindset & Self Care Course Library:

  • Decluttering your schedule and outdated beliefs, two keys to success
  • Setting your goals, intentions and taking action, daily
  • Becoming an idea machine!
  • Taking action even when you don’t feel like it!

And a whole lot more!

Check out everything that's included and join here 


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