10 Awesome things you can do today for your mental health!

Aug 02, 2021

If you are feeling stressed with the busyness of life and a long to-do list. Try some of these ideas to lighten your load a bit! I was inspired to create this list when I realized a Facebook group I had recently joined was not a great place for me to be, I left the group and felt so much better.

I hadn't realized the impact seeing these generally negative memes were having on me, it was a snarky group of complainers, that were occasionally funny, but the negatives outweighed the laughs.

1. Opt out of or unfollow people or groups that are not high vibe. Sometimes we need to stay for informational or drama-avoiding purposes so use the unfollow option if that's the case for you.

2. Do a brain dump! I recommend this a lot because it works. Getting your list out of your head and onto paper is a big release of brain energy. Write it down, decide what you can do today, and what you will do later in the week or month. 

3. Decide what you are doing for your health and self-care today, and do it! Selfcare isn't selfish, you cannot pour from an empty cup, we all serve and support others best from our overflow!

4. Compliment yourself. You are doing great, you are beautiful and you are a great mom/person/sister/friend etc... Even better compliment yourself in front of your kids. :)

5. Give away three compliments today.

6. Write down ten things you are grateful for! If you need some ideas check out my book The Gratitude Habit. 

7. Plan your August intentions & goals and write them down. We often don't give ourselves credit for all we do and looking back over our accomplishments at the end of the month is fun and rewarding to do!

8. Know your values and daily priorities, it makes decision making so much easier as well as reducing the "fear of missing out" check out this blog post Making Everyday Day a Great Day! 

9. Give yourself the gift of unscheduled time and then be intentional about how you spend it.

10. Look for the beauty and abundance in the world around you, we often see what we intend to see. 

 And, check out my new workshops!! 

Money Flow and Marketing Flow Workshop

If you are ready to drop the struggle, the feast or famine money cycle, procrastinating on your marketing because of resistance or procrastination these workshops are for you! We are going to tap into the energy of flow and apply it to two areas of life that will give you epic benefits and epic returns.

When you are in money flow worry, scarcity, and stress over money fall away and that is exactly what ignites super attractor vibes! You not only feel good you'll be available and tuned into the abundance all around you, new opportunities, and trying new things. The energy of flow leads to the results and the money!

 Get all the details and sign up here !


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