5 things to ask yourself every morning that will make an impact on your day!

Aug 04, 2021

It's easy to jump into the busyness of the day, getting ready, thinking about the to-do list, taking care of children, pets, and so on.... When we just jump straight in we are generally reacting to the world around us, other people's expectations, wand, and needs. Of course, there is a time and a place for that with jobs and families, but I would like to encourage you to take just a few minutes each morning before all of those commitments and ask yourself a few important questions that will leave you feeling at the end of the day like you are living a life on your terms and accomplishing what's most important to you.

Question #1 What would make today a great day? Take a few moments to really set your priorities for the day. Check out this post for ideas https://www.elevatewithgael.com/blog/greatdays

I usually have about 10 things on my list and it's often similar from day to day but I also tune into what I feel like is a priority. What would fill my cup, align with my values and make me feel amazing when I am drifting off to sleep tonight?

Question #2 What am I grateful for today? Listing or even just thinking through how much you have to be grateful for will start even the craziest day off on the right note. You can't simultaneously be in gratitude and stress/scarcity/irritation or anxiety.

Question #3 What can I ask for today? Maybe you need help with a project, a hug, or a new opportunity. Stretching your asking muscles also boosts your ability to receive help and support, leaving you with more time and energy for the people and goals that matter the most to you.

Question #4 What can I give today? or How can I be of service today? We all have something we can give, even when we feel completely drained, making a donation, giving our very best to clients, giving away compliments or great advice can turn an average day into a day where we feel that we really made a difference.

Question #5 What do I need to know today? Listen to that voice from inside you, your inner guidance, your higher self, your connection to God (however you choose to see it), and see what comes through.

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When you are in money flow worry, scarcity, and stress over money fall away and that is exactly what ignites super attractor vibes! You not only feel good you'll be available and tuned into the abundance all around you, new opportunities, and trying new things. The energy of flow leads to the results and the money!

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