Knowing When to Press Pause

May 06, 2021

Knowing when to pause is one of the most important skills in business and in life! Have you ever set something aside and when you went back to it, it made so much more sense or just seemed to flow (like this email for example)?

Yesterday I was struggling with a website page I was building, I got frus...

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What’s between you and your ambition/goal/desired outcome?

Apr 19, 2021

Are you challenged by what is between you and where you want to be? Do you feel like you do not have enough time, to take you from where you are to your desired outcome or goal? Well, hear what Gael has to say here...

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Two ways to promote a business but only one way to be successful!

Mar 09, 2021

This morning I was teaching a class on marketing (in the ELEVATE membership *which is now The Mastermind Course Library), as I often do being one of my favorite topics, and I was presenting my premise that there are two ways to market a business (online or offline). 

1. Paid advertising, costs money,...

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12 Books in 12 Months Can I do it?

Mar 06, 2021

This year I'm writing 12 New Books! It's a huge goal, and I think I can do it. It's March 5 and I'm currently on book four, I started with a few drafts that have been half done and languishing on my computer, and I have lists and lists of other books I would love to write!

I'm writing them for seve...

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Promoting my business without Facebook Ads Update

Feb 22, 2021

I've used Facebook ads (along with other marketing strategies) for the past 6 years to grow my online business Massage and Spa Success. For this year (2021) I've decided to take a break for financial reasons and to get myself out of my comfort zone with marketing.

I don't think it's a wise business...

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How to make 1,000,000 with online courses...

Feb 09, 2021

Today I wanted to share with you some things that I have learned over the past seven years about the online course creation industry and online business industry in general.

I think that there is a ton of opportunity online and that anybody who decides to and wants to create more income streams for...

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Elevate with a Feng Shui Consultation for Your Home or Office

Feb 08, 2021

​Hi I'm Gael Wood Feng Shui Consultant certified through The International Feng Shui School

​I can help you to create a healthy and supportive home or business so you can thrive in every area of life.

​We spend 80% (or more) of our time indoors and our environment impacts us physically, emotionally, m...

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How I get so much done each week!

Jan 19, 2021

What have I been doing for the past four months? 🤷‍♀️ I was just asked this by someone who apparently was amazed that I haven't decluttered, so let's see...

  • I homeschooled a 12-year-old boy
    I moved my office back home because of the homeschool/pandemic situation
    I pivoted and created loads of new c...
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Letter from Gael

Jan 19, 2021

I understand how you are feeling right now... You are SO READY for your life to change, to grow, to expand, but it all seems "out there" and impossible. Who are you to ask for more anyway? More money each month would make things so much easier, more fun, more time with your family, more saving and s...

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2021 Promoting my businesses without Facebook Ads Post 1

Jan 17, 2021

In 2021 I'm focusing on building my businesses and income streams WITHOUT Facebook ads, I'll be blogging and making videos along the way sharing my progress and what I'm learning. Updating titles, descriptions, and links on 57 YouTube videos took a full day, but I'm already seeing an increase in vie...

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