Solve any problem, live your dream life!

Aug 08, 2021

What do we all possess an unlimited supply of that can solve any problem? CREATIVITY!

Need more time? Look at your schedule with new eyes, brainstorm creative solutions, try things.

Need more money? Get creative, look for places to save, things to sell, ways to earn more, start that side hustle, try things.

Want a cleaner house? Get creative with storage solutions, cleaning routines, who does what, even your expectations can be managed creatively.

Ready for more fun? Do it, get creative, plan silly adventures, game nights, explore a new area of town, be a tourist in your hometown.

Desire more adventure? Create a list of things you've always wanted to do, you get to define adventure.

I believe that our creativity can be used to create whatever we want, but it takes opening your mind, looking at things in a new way, and an attitude of "let's try stuff & see what happens."

Some of my biggest breakthroughs, best ideas, and wins have come from the energy of creativity and flow. Including the seven-day solo beach "workcation" that I'm on right now. It's a total experiment, updates to follow!

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