Promoting my business without Facebook Ads Update

Feb 22, 2021

I've used Facebook ads (along with other marketing strategies) for the past 6 years to grow my online business Massage and Spa Success. For this year (2021) I've decided to take a break for financial reasons and to get myself out of my comfort zone with marketing.

I don't think it's a wise business decision to put all your eggs in one basket, especially an expensive one! Check out the first post in this series here 

It's February 22, and I thought I would update you on what I have done so far to reach my goals for 2021:

Guest Blogging: I've been featured on The Wellness Universe Blog three times, with one more guest post scheduled for Feb. 26. Here are the article links:

The third article is the most on topic for me, and I am getting new subscribers from that article as well as one sale so far (5 days in). As a premium plus member, I am allowed to submit three articles per month and I am upgrading to include an ad with my articles for $49. 

That seems well worth the cost because my ad will be featured with my article for the foreseeable future. The Wellness Universe has articles dating back to 2015, so I think it's a good strategy. 

In January I participated in a sale with Ultimate Bundles as a contributor and an affiliate. I earned $410 in affiliate commissions and have had over 500 people sign up for the course I contributed and my email list.

New people are subscribing every day. I contributed my Digital Decluttering Ecourse and it's definitely been a winner. Make money while building my list, that's what I'm talking about! 

Podcast Interviews, this has been a bit slower, but my friend Lilli added an older interview we did to her podcast The Confidence Academy. Declutter Your Mind, you can check it out here. 

I also have a podcast interview and a summit interview scheduled for March 2021. 

Ebooks, I published The Gratitude Habit Daily Journal -  30 Days of Gratefulness During Difficult Times on Amazon tonight and have a page set up with book bonuses. I'm very excited, publishing this book was out of my comfort zone as I share many personal stories, and I'm not used to that. I'll be adding a workbook-style print version as well. The book launch will be in March!

I have a second ebook in a final bit of editing and it should be ready for formatting this week. I'll need to create a book bonuses page as well. 

I've spent one full day updating my YouTube channel based on a Udemy course that I have and views and subscribers are up. I'm planning to keep adding my Facebook live videos to my playlists and seeing what happens. I also have a playlist for interviews I have been featured on. 

Massage Magazine Insurance Plus approached me about sharing their monthly giveaway with my email list, and in return, they will share my Free Toolkit with their list! 

This strategy is a long game and a transition, so far I am happy with the results and I think as long as I keep taking action, looking for, asking for, and being available for opportunities these seeds will grow exponentially. 





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