Why I Love Kajabi and You Will Too

Kajabi is the all-in-one platform that I use to run my business. Some people say that it's too expensive, but I wholeheartedly disagree. Here's why I love Kajabi and think it's the best value for creating and managing an online business. 

Kajabi really is all in one. I use it for my website,...

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My top 10 “Success Secrets”

Secret #1

There are no secrets, there is no right way or step by step that will work for everyone.

OK, you can stop reading now! :)

 It’s true though, all the experts, “gurus”, people with secret strategies that you can learn for just several thousand dollars are not any...

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Selling Unapologetically, why and HOW :)


If you believe in your product or service, why would you not sell it unapologetically? You believe in it right?

Here is a great Homestudy course on Money Flow and Marketing Flow for you!

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Like an old bloated rock star from the 80's, I'm retiring again! From Massage and Spa Success


After running a successful massage and spa business, I have decided to let it go! It's time to retire, here is why...

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Increased income, and new ideas! Erin Lively LMT Success Spotlight

How one Elevate Mastermind Member * now The Mastermind Course Library* increased her income by 60% during the pandemic, here is Erin’s story...

“I joined Elevate Mastermind a few years ago to help me increase my monthly and annual income.  I decided to stop teaching and have...

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Meet Davonna Willis, Founder of 4 Nineteen Education [Success Spotlight]


Davonna is a respected health and wellness practitioner and an acclaimed entrepreneur and educator. Davonna Willis is a passionate advocate for her clients and students!

Here is what Davonna had to say when asked why she joined the Elevate Mastermind (now Mastermind Course Library) and how...

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Reach Your Big Goals with Monthly Challenges!

I am so excited to share with you about monthly challenges and how they can help you change your life for the better and reach your goals! A monthly challenge is a great way to practice a new behavior, and that can lead to developing better habits over time because forming new habits and breaking...

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Quacking UP with Felicia Brown, Success Spotlight!

She is my competition… and why I love having her in my Mastermind!

Today, I want to highlight someone who is an Elevate Mastermind Member (now The Mastermind Course Library), Business, Marketing, and Life Coach, Speaker, and Best Selling Author…. Meet Felicia Brown, who also helps...

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Success Spotlight, Meet Ann Bell!


I wanted to share this inspirational story with you...

Meet Ann Bell, she was an Elevate Mastermind member (which is now The Mastermind Course Library), an experienced massage therapist & a life coach. When the pandemic happened Ann (like many others) was forced to shut down her business...

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Success Spotlight, Meet Bernadette Sakiyama

Check out another Elevate Mastermind Success Story! *(please note, Elevate Mastermind is now The Mastermind Course Library)
Bernadette Sakiyama is a Holistic Health Practitioner who served her clients for thirteen years, helping them find solutions to their aches and pain and...
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