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Bloom Where You Are Planted 🌼

Bloom Where You Are Planted

That saying has been going through my head for over a week. I have a tendency to be "head in the clouds" making big plans and dreaming big dreams. So much so that I can overlook the people and opportunities right in front of me. 

We visited friends last Saturday who have a beautiful property. It's lush, green, private, and feels like a fairyland. They've been working on their house and property for many years and have embraced the energy of blooming where they are planted!

On Monday, I visited with another friend. She asked what I'd been up to, so I said, "I'm just working on Blooming Where I'm Planted." Her eyes widened, and she had me repeat myself. She had just returned home from her uncle's funeral, and he had written a hymn called, you guessed it, Bloom Where You Are Planted! 

I particularly love the first two lines; "O bloom where you are planted, take root where you live. To you, the Lord has granted the power to love and give. 

Rarely have I had such fast and clear confirmation that I am on the right path! 

I'm focusing on my home, family & friends, my chosen profession (massage therapist & educator), my clients and coworkers at the spa, and it feels right! Maybe world travel, beach houses and new career paths are in my future but for now, I'll bloom right here. 

In other updates, a mama bird decided to build her nest on our front porch, and now she lives there with her baby. So we have been going in and out the backdoor and going to great lengths to keep our cats from murdering the little one. I have tin foil all over the porch and a broken window (I was trying to scare away a stalking cat!). The neighbors probably think we have lost the plot, but I am very invested in this bird and hope it flies away soon. 

 I fixed the window with a board. My husband was not impressed!

Some of our summer plans include a trip to Colorado to see our daughter, the American Massage Championship and World Massage Festival, a lake week with family, and a trip to the NC Outer Banks!

Maybe I'll see you at World Massage Festival? If you are there, please stop by my booth for a hug 🤗!

Have an amazing day, bloom where you are planted, and show up and shine! ~* Gael*~




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