Meet Davonna Willis, Founder of 4 Nineteen Education [Success Spotlight]

Nov 04, 2021

Davonna is a respected health and wellness practitioner and an acclaimed entrepreneur and educator. Davonna Willis is a passionate advocate for her clients and students!

Here is what Davonna had to say when asked why she joined the Elevate Mastermind (now Mastermind Course Library) and how it has helped her online business so far:

“I joined Elevate Mastermind because I wanted to learn from the best in the industry who has mastered the online selling in our industry. This has helped me see the layout of how I would like my lead generation and drip marketing campaign to be. Giving me a layout of what I need to do and the software that will be optimal for my goals for the next year 2022.”

During her time as a CEO and Owner of Blue Skyes Massage & Wellness Center, she was committed to establishing and sustaining high-quality standards of care in the industry. When she was the leader of an award-winning practice, Davonna was widely known as someone who cares deeply about client relationships and practitioner integrity.

Davonna currently, is the Owner of 4 Nineteen Education & Training where she teaches a variety of massage curricula and also offers to consult on marketing and strategy to new business enterprises. She continues to hold the same standard of care in 4 Nineteen that she created her success at Blue Skyes Massage & Wellness Center.   

With a MA from Columbia University’s Teachers College and a BA from Xavier University, Davonna has over 20 years of experience in the field of health and wellness. Starting in the Bronx and moving her way west, Davonna is a well-rounded business professional especially accomplished in the area of holistic physical rehabilitation therapy. 

Davonna is committed to the development of her colleagues and students for them to continue on the health and recovery of their clients, athletes and patients.  She is an advocate in elevating the way massage is perceived in society so that people fully recognize the power of healing in an expert’s human touch. 

Join Davonna and many others who have decades and decades of experience in the wellness industry and who are now transitioning their business to the online space, where they no longer trade their time for money. All of the step-by-step processes and business support needed are inside the Elevate Mastermind (now Mastermind Course Library)

Are you ready to bring in another stream of income or completely transform your business to an online business? Join us here!


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