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Your Secret Success Weapon: Feng Shui! This Passionate Life Podcast Interview with Stephanie Zito

Feng Shui is your secret weapon to success and better relationships. 

Join me in this fascinating chat with Gael Wood, Feng Shui consultant, who helps people attract abundance and luck through the art and science of Feng Shui. Did you know your house or home office could have money leaks? 

Gael walks us through what areas of the home support our fame or reputation, love, helpful people and travel, career, family and health and what to do to support each of these areas.  

Feng Shui personally helped Gael save her marriage, helped her sell two homes, and unblocked energy to bring a spotlight to her business and influx of income.   Gael shares how she balances being multi-passionate, how she navigated divorce earlier in her life, how she built her own business while working full time with a family, and how she's learned to ask for help from others to support her as we don't need to do it all ourselves. 

You can receive a complimentary gift from Gael: Clear the Chaos Decluttering Planner and get in touch with Gael Wood with questions or to schedule your own Feng Shui consultation at 

And as a thank, you, download my meditation to release fear so you can turn your passions to profits here: 

Listen to the Episode here 

Your Secret Success Weapon: Feng Shui with Gael Wood
This Passionate Life with Stephanie Zito

50% Complete

Two Step

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