Couples Massage Services for The Solo Massage Therapist

Jan 27, 2025

Couples Massage Services for The Solo Massage Therapist

I love sharing ideas for new and fun services you can offer in your massage therapy business. It’s always nice for us massage therapists to keep things fresh. That’s one reason I have always loved being a massage therapist and esthetician—I enjoyed having variety in my day when I was working.

Today, I have some ideas for couples treatments, specifically for solo therapists. Just because you don’t have a second pair of hands or space for couples massage doesn’t mean you can’t offer fun services for couples.

Also, if you have a business with multiple therapists, these ideas can help you bring in couples without the hassle of coordinating everyone’s schedules.

The first idea is inspired by a foot soak place I went to with my sister. In a 45-minute treatment, we had foot soaks and massages, and one therapist cared for us both. I’ll review that experience in another post because it was so lovely. I think it’s a unique business model worth exploring. 

Here’s how they did it, which could work for your office too. We soaked our feet in nice copper bowls filled with warm water, lovely salts, petals, and essential oils. We sat side by side in chairs, got warm neck wraps, and each had a 20-minute massage. We could choose between neck and shoulders, arms and hands, or feet and lower legs. We both opted for neck and shoulders, and the therapist stood behind us to provide the massage. While one of us was being massaged, the other was soaking, which was lovely.

The cost of a 45-minute treatment with one therapist was $170, which I think is great. Of course, we also tipped on top of that.

The second idea is side-by-side body wraps. This was something I used to offer at my spa. It wasn’t on the menu, but I would suggest it when couples wanted a massage, and we couldn’t accommodate them. 

With our body wraps, clients got scalp and face massages and body brushing—it was a nice treatment. As the therapist, I was hustling a bit. I’d get them both on the tables, body brush one, wrap them, then move to the second client, body brush them, and wrap them. Then I’d go back and massage client one, then client two. By then, I’d be unwrapping client one, and so on.

It was a great way to offer a spa experience for two people in the same room. What people want is to enjoy a spa treatment together, not necessarily a massage. I charged full price for each body wrap, so I doubled my income for that time while giving myself a little extra time for setup and cleanup. It’s something to consider if you want to work on two clients simultaneously.

The third idea is to leverage a sauna, salt room, or similar setup for a couple's experience. For example, one person could enjoy a 30-minute sauna session while the other gets a massage, and then they could switch. If space allows, you could even set up a massage table in the sauna room.

This doesn’t have to be a sauna and massage; it could involve other hands-off treatments. For instance, one person could soak their feet while the other gets a 30-minute massage, then switch. Think about what you already have in your space that someone could enjoy while waiting, like a BioMAT or even a nice cup of tea and meditation.

The goal is to create an experience where both people feel pampered and are together.

This brings me to the fourth idea: tea and reflexology. You could include a tea service alongside a reflexology treatment similar to the foot soaks. Clients could soak their feet, or you could skip the water and use hot towels and scrubs.

If I were doing this, I’d scrub person A’s feet, then person B’s, lotion them up, maybe add warm booties, and then start the reflexology. The key is ensuring the person waiting feels relaxed and pampered, not left out or scrolling their phone in the corner.

The fifth idea is offering a couples massage lesson. Even if you don’t offer couples massages, teaching couples how to massage each other can be really fun. You might be the only therapist in your area offering something like this, and it attracts a different type of client—someone interested in learning a skill rather than just booking regular massages.

I have a detailed class on teaching couples massage. It includes lesson plans, client handouts, and everything you need to get started, whether working with one couple or a whole group. You can check it out here!

Finally, the sixth idea is a couples massage experience. This is similar to the body wrap setup, but you’d give each client a 30-minute massage while the other relaxes with some extras like warm booties, aromatherapy, or hot stones.

For example, you could start with one partner face up, relaxing with heated foot booties, a warm pack, and an eye mask, while the other partner gets a 15-minute massage face down, then 15 minutes face up. Afterward, switch them. This approach requires a bit of back and forth, but it’s manageable if you plan.

Make sure to price it appropriately. For example, considering the extras and setup, if your 30-minute massage is $65, this experience could easily be $150-$200. It’s a luxurious offering that clients would love.

I hope these ideas inspire you! I also want to tell you about my new *2K by Valentine’s Day Challenge*. It starts in just a few days, and we’ll focus on creating specials, getting into the sales mindset, and promoting gift certificates.

The challenge includes a 10-day sales activities group where we’ll share ideas, cheer each other on, and work on promotions. If you follow the steps and stay active, I’m confident you’ll see success this Valentine’s Day.

Gift certificates are great because you’re getting paid to bring in new clients instead of spending money on advertising. A few new regulars from these efforts can greatly impact your business and monthly income.



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