The Journey of My Mother's Son Podcast: Gael Wood – Time to Declutter

Jan 24, 2023

Don’t put your dreams in the gutter because you think there’s no time for them.

Years ago, I was working full-time, stressed, and my finances were enough to get by.

I was sure I wanted two things: to make extra money and not have to work five days away from home. So I started shifting my life to where it is now.

 Join me in this episode of “The Journey of My Mother’s Son” podcast as I sit down with Dan Clouser and talk about how I made time for the things that got me to living the life that I want.

 In this podcast, you’ll hear about:

  • The shifting point: deciding to start the change
  • Filling your cup as you fill your time
  • Taking the leap of faith
  • Transitioning from full-time worker to full-time businesswoman
  • Decluttering your beliefs
  • Decluttering your schedule


If you’re ready to start decluttering, join me in this podcast here.


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