Multiple Income Stream Goals!

May 12, 2021

One of my big goals for 2021 is to uplevel my income stream game. I think after 2020 we can all agree that it's important!

Some of my income streams are just getting started and are currently just a trickle (and this is when many people get discouraged and give up) but I know that that is how everything starts.

There's a lot of "smoke and mirrors" in the online business space, and over the years I've bought into a lot of it. Do this "formula" do these formatted webinars, just follow our easy, peasy get rich system...

Creating income streams, and your dream life isn't about any of that. It's about deciding, taking daily action, learning as you go, and TRYING different ideas and strategies. It's about creating what works for you. 

My current income streams:

1. My Massage and Spa Success Blog & Shop. I've created so much free and paid content and my goal is to optimize my site for search engine optimization, keep building my email list, and sell my programs, CE courses, and marketing content as downloadable resources.

I LOVE the massage and spa industry and I want to stay a part of it by teaching and sharing through podcast interviews and online summits. 

2. My new website and blog Elevate with Gael! This is where my blogs, about mindset, online business, and decluttering/Feng Shui live, as well as the Elevate Course Library. This site is built on Kajabi an all-in-one online platform that I love and recommend. I wanted a site where I could manage myself and had everything I needed. 

3. My Amazon Books! This is one that I am newly focusing on for 2021 and writing books that are outside of the Massage and Spa niche. So far I'm not profiting (publishing books isn't free, there's editing, formatting, and cover design) but I am in this for the long game, of making money from book sales, and attracting new Elevate members, and coaching clients. I am currently taking a class on how to do Amazon ads and will implement that soon. 

4. Affiliate income. I promote tools that I use, and summits and bundles that I am participating in. Often this is a way to reach new people, and build my email list while earning some commissions.

It's a fun way to add more revenue without having to deliver the product myself. I do have to be intentional about how much I want to promote other people's products versus my own. 

5. I do marketing for my husband's business a few hours a month, and they pay me. It's a win-win because my husband needs my help and I have a side hustle that's super flexible with a regular paycheck. 

6. Coaching. I've been working on a coaching certification and will be launching a one-to-one 12-week coaching program this summer. Let me know if you want to be the first to hear about it. 

I read somewhere that the average millionaire has seven income streams (I have an idea for one more TBA) and I don't see any reason not to give it a try! I stay busy, but I genuinely enjoy everything that I do and I'm able to outsource quite a bit to my part-time VA. These examples are just what I'm trying out of endless possibilities. 

If you are ready to add more income streams to your life, I would love to help. Check out the Mastermind Course Library for a great place to start. 


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