Monthly and Daily Planning for Reaching Your Goals without Compromising Your Priorities

Jul 05, 2021
I made a new podcast episode! My little podcast has been neglected for months, but today I was inspired to give it another go. I'm not making any promises but I am setting the intention to be more consistent. Here's today's episode Monthly and Daily Planning for Reaching Your Goals without Compromising Your Priorities 
I'm definitely ready to get back to work after what seemed like a never-ending holiday weekend and feel motivated to get ahead so I can relax and enjoy my vacation in a couple of weeks.
I hope this helps you with your planning as well. What are your goals for July? Hit reply in the comments below and let me know!
I'm thinking I will also take a "summer vacation" from social media starting mid-July, and if all goes well rethink my social media time & energy overall. I've always emphasized having social media as just one part of an overall marketing plan because of the frequent changes and lack of control over your content, if it's only a part of your strategy you can always put more time and energy into other marketing activities if it's not working for you any longer. More on marketing without social media coming soon.
Enjoy the podcast and enjoy the summer! 

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