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Aspirational Clutter

decluttering feng shui Feb 27, 2020

Sometimes we buy things with high hopes and good intentions of becoming a better versions of ourselves.

Maybe it was those kitchen appliances that were supposed to help us to create healthy gourmet meals and lose weight, art supplies to whip up lovely creations to give for holiday gifts, model car kits for snow days at home with our kid, the belly dancing fitness system or perfect planner system that was to keep us organized, on track and ticking off all of our goals. 

We've all been there, and we buy these things with the best of intentions, but what happens when we don't use them? Several things can happen from here, we might feel guilty and down on ourselves and our inner self-talk might sound something like this, "You are so flaky, you're always wasting money, you never follow through with things!"  Not thoughts that will help us thrive right? 

We might shove these things away, with the idea that "someday when I have more time" they will get put to good use, so then it's not a waste right? But, in reality, that day doesn't come, and items shoved in closets and cabinets take up room we could use for things we really would use.

They drain our energy, we know they are lurking there subconsciously, and we know that at some point we will have to clean out and decide what to do with these things. 

These items have a message for us! We are attracted to what they represent, and the outcomes we think we would have if we used them. So, here's what I suggest listen to the message, forgive yourself, and lovingly pass those items along. 

Maybe that watercolor set signifies that you want more color in your life or creativity? How can you bring that into your life in a way that is in alignment with who you are? How about a girls' night out painting class with your friends and wine, a day out at the museum, or a date night enjoying a local art crawl and treating yourself to an original piece of art.

Maybe you are colorfully creative in the way you dress, cook, or arrange flowers in the summer. That buying mistake can lead you to recognizing and discovering your uniqueness and beauty even if you never open it!  

We can use our buying "mistakes" to get to know ourselves better, and call in more joy, rather than feeling bad about our choices. This will also lead to being more discerning when we shop and invest in new things to enhance our lives. 

Need help letting your clutter go? Join us in the Decluttering Deep Dive and get started with step-by-step help and a support system in place. Decluttering Deep Dive Program


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