Welcome back to day two of our 12 Days of Money for Massage Therapists Challenge!
Today’s challenge is about following up, and I want to encourage you to follow through. You might still be working on yesterday’s challenge, but go ahead and layer this one in. It’s similar to yesterday’s activity because you’ll identify 10 to 12 clients to contact. These clients have seen you previously—make sure they’re ones you’d like to see again. The goal is to get them back on your schedule.
Your follow-up message could be as simple as:
“Hey [Client’s Name], I haven’t seen you in a few months. I have some openings next week if you’d like to book an appointment."
And just like that, you’re reaching out and inviting them back.
Write down the names of 10 to 12 clients, and follow up with each of them.
Don’t overthink it or talk yourself out of it. The energy of your message should be light and friendly, like:
“Hey, I was just thinking about you and wanted to check in. How are you doing? If you’d like to come in, I have openings coming up. Here’s the link to book.”
You can also check in on their condition if it’s relevant.
For example, you might say:
“I just wanted to see how your neck pain is doing. Did the session we had help? Were you able to do the stretches we discussed? Let me know! I’d love to see you again for another session if you think it would help. Here’s my booking link.”
Keep your message professional and unattached to the result. The ball is in their court—they’ll book if they’re ready, and you can move on to the next person on your list.
This is a great time to check your energy before doing your follow-ups. If you’re approaching this task with desperation, like, “Oh no, I need to book people or I won’t be able to pay rent,” that energy will come through in your communication. Desperation isn’t attractive—it’s like desperation in dating. You want to avoid that. Instead, keep your follow-up relaxed and casual. Use phone calls, emails, or texts, and personalize your message.
If you’re starting out and don’t have 10 to 12 clients who haven’t rebooked, that’s okay! Follow up with potential clients instead—those who say, “Oh, I need to book a massage with you sometime,” but haven't yet. Or, reach out to potential referral partners you’ve met or considered connecting with.
Keep it simple and say something like:
“I was thinking you might know some people who need a massage, and I might know some people who could use your services. Would you like to get together and chat about it sometime?”
Don’t let overthinking stop you from taking action.
Challenges like this are great because they help you commit to showing up and doing the work for the duration of the challenge. As you gain more experience and small wins, your confidence will grow, and these actions will become second nature. Soon, it won’t feel challenging at all!
Before I go, I want to remind you about the courses available in the Massage and Spa Success Club, which is my low-cost membership program. This program is designed to help massage therapists make more money and build businesses they love. Inside, you’ll find:
-Perfectly Booked: A course covering rebooking from the first client contact through follow-ups, helping you build a regular clientele.
-Rev Up Your Rebookings: Packed with ideas to keep your appointment schedule full.
-Starting a Membership Program: A great way to maintain a consistently full appointment book.
Check out the Massage and Spa Success Club! We’re having so much fun in there, and I’d love for you to join us. Thanks for joining! See you for day three tomorrow.
50% Complete
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