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12 Days of Money Challenge for Massage Therapists - Day Twelve

Uncategorized Dec 23, 2024

We’re on the last day of the 12 Days of Money for Massage Therapists Challenge. 🥳

I hope you’ve enjoyed it so far, tried new things, thought about things differently, and seen some great results. If you’ve fallen behind or haven’t done all the days, don’t worry—you can still catch up. Just because the challenge is officially over doesn’t mean you can’t go back and try all the different marketing and sales activities. It’s a great exercise to see what works for you.

Today’s task is simple: ask three to five local family members or friends to share one of your social posts.

This can be on any platform you’re active on and have posted on recently. You could even use the post from day six with the template image I provided. Just ask them, “Hey, could you go to my page or profile and share this post?” You can even give them suggestions on what to say, like, “My friend [Your Name] is a great massage therapist. If you need a massage, check out her site.”

It doesn’t have to be complicated. However, it’s better if they add a personal touch when sharing the post. When you ask, explain, “I’m trying to build my massage therapy business and find new clients. It would help me if you could share this post. Let me know if you’re in. It will only take a minute.” Most people are happy to take a minute to help us out, especially if we don’t ask all the time.

You might want to list people in your network that you could ask for this small favor. Let them know you’re happy to return the favor, especially if they’re small business owners too. This could even open the door to cross-promotional relationships. For example, if you have overlapping ideal clients, you could agree to share each other’s posts every couple of weeks.

For friends and family, keep it occasional so it doesn’t feel like pressure. If I asked my mom to share a post about my massage business, I’d only do it every three or four months to keep it comfortable for both of us.

You could set up something more formal for professional relationships, like regularly scheduled cross-promotion.

This task is also about getting comfortable asking for help. We can’t build a business or find success in a vacuum. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how willing your friends and family are to help. If someone doesn’t follow through, don’t take it personally. They have their things going on or might feel differently about promoting someone else. That’s okay—move on to the next person. ☺️

I hope you’ve enjoyed the challenge, and if you need more help getting your business to where you want it to be—whether you’re just starting, working on building a steady clientele, or looking to raise your prices and income—I hope you’ll check out the Massage and Spa Success Club. Join us and ask me and the other Success Club members for help. It’s a positive and supportive environment where everyone cheers each other on. That’s my vision for the club, and I would love to have you participate.

Let me know how you’ve done with the challenge in the comments below. If you have questions about the club, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask. 

☮️❤️💆‍♀️ Gael



50% Complete

Two Step

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