Use a Recommendation Sheet | Day Seven of 12 Days of Money Challenge for Massage Therapists

Dec 18, 2024

Welcome back to day seven of the 12 Days of Money Challenge for Massage Therapists.

Today is a really fun day. One of my favorite tips to share with massage therapists is using a recommendation sheet for your clients.

This is something you’ll give to your clients after their session, and it’s simply your professional recommendations based on what they came in for, what they requested, and what you observed during their session. On the sheet you can customize it however you like, but here’s what I include:

  • Reschedule: This is when I think they should come back. For example, if someone comes in for stress relief and relaxation, I always recommend at least a baseline of monthly massage as my minimum recommendation.

  • Home Care: Anything we discussed or that I think would help them. For example, I often recommend 10-minute yoga videos on YouTube and include my favorite yoga YouTubers. You could also add tips like "drink more water," "apply ice," or "stretch daily."

  • Products: List any products you sell or recommend in your studio.

  • Notes: This can be for personal details, a continuation of home care recommendations, or a referral. For example, if I think they could benefit from seeing a chiropractor, I’ll write that down here.

  • Therapist Information: If you’re in a multi-therapist practice, you’ll want to include your name and contact information to ensure the client has everything they need to follow up with you.

This sheet gives your clients something to take home, consider, and remember your recommendations. Often, clients are very relaxed after their session and may not fully process everything you discussed. A massage therapy recommendation sheet acts as a helpful reminder.

It’s also beneficial because everyone processes information differently.

Some are visual learners, some are auditory learners, and some need to physically interact with materials. This sheet caters to those who like to read and reflect before making their next move. For instance, a client might want to reschedule but prefers to see how they feel the next day. Now, they’ll have your recommendations in writing and a reminder of when you suggested they come back.

These work, you guys. If you’re not using recommendation sheets, start now. It’s a fun experiment, and while you might need more than a day to see results, for this challenge, try it for one day. Use it with each client you see, and see how you feel about it. Consider what you might want to change or customize for your recommendation sheet.

If you don’t have access to a printer, you can keep it simple. Use an index card, attach your business card, and write the recommendations.

Say something like, “Here are the things we discussed during your treatment. I just wanted to make sure you had them.” You’d be surprised how much clients appreciate even small recommendations, like links to your favorite YouTube yoga instructors or resources like Bob and Brad, the Internet’s most famous physical therapists. I recommend their videos all the time, and clients really appreciate it. They won’t remember these details when they get home unless you write them down.

Use this Free Canva Template for Massage Therapist Recommendations to help you get started! 


Using a massage recommendation sheet will not only increase your rebooking rate but also strengthen your professional relationship with your massage clients. I highly, highly recommend it. And I also recommend checking out the Massage and Spa Success Club! Join us to dive deeper and access templates and resources to help you achieve the success you want in your business.



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