Weekend Room Redo Decluttering and Feng Shui

Jan 11, 2021

Last fall I tackled my son's room, it was out of control, and I thought he needed an update to more of a big kid room. I had three days, and a limited budget but I am so pleased with the results! Check out the video above and the progress videos for some inspiration and ideas for your home. He loved it! 

I started with a MAJOR declutter, you can check out that progress here with some decluttering tips 

Next, even more, decluttering and a few things I purchased here 

More progress and paint, I love an accent wall for a quick and easy room update. A few Feng Shui ideas for trigram 1 and the NorthEast area

Morning Update, paint is done, we're getting there! Check out the video here! 

The final reveal, I'm thrilled with the results. Click here to watch the reveal! 

Check out the recent Redfin article I was featured in!

New Beginnings: Cleansing a New Home to Invite Positive Energy into Your Space

Whether you’re moving to a new rental in Chicago or across the country from Boston to the west
coast, a new home symbolizes a fresh start. But before you can put down roots in your new digs,
you’ll want to make sure that your home is set up for success right from the get-go. From
lingering emotions left behind by previous tenants to the emotional and physical stress of
moving, addressing these energies from the start will ensure you’re flushing out the bad to make
room for the good.

To help you get started, Redfin reached out to us and other experts to guide you through cleansing a new home to start on a clean slate and build positive energy. Here’s how you can achieve a lighter, brighter space.

New Beginnings: Cleansing a New Home to Invite Positive Energy into Your Space

Let go of your clutter, shift your energy and  step into the next level you with my 6-week  Decluttering Deep Dive program, find out more here.




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