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The My Future Business Show: Elevate with Gael Wood

Being a guest in “The My Future Business Show” with Rick was a fun experience.

In this show’s episode, you’ll have a small glimpse of my personal life and a bit of my routine. You’ll also hear my processes regarding managing my programs and business as a massage therapist. You’ll find ides and tips to gear you up to reach your aspirations.

Facing burnout, debt, and feeling stuck in my past situation was not something anyone would like to experience. But recognizing the opportunities, I could take revealed the steps to living a life I am happy with. I aim to use all that I’ve learned to assist others in reaching their dream lives as well as to be the mentor I needed when I was at my lowest.

Points you will be hearing in this show’s episode are:

  • Platforms I used and still use for my business
  • Business opportunity during the pandemic
  • My approach to marketing
  • Some of my goals for this year
  • My writing style and the processes involved
  • Overviews and underlying concepts of books I’ve authored
  • Tackling factors that help direct us to changing our lives
  • What my program, “Elevate” can do for you

YOU have the power to reach the life you’ve dreamed of! All you need is the first step and the motivation to follow through. Listen to this episode here! 


50% Complete

Two Step

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