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Less Stress in Life Podcast: Finding Gratitude in Difficult Times

Have you ever been in a place in your life where everything just seems to be uncertain? That uncertainty then becomes anxiety and stress, making you feel sick inside out. I’ve been there, especially at the peak of this pandemic. I was stressed out at the uncertainty of the future. I was anxious and sick almost every day. 

 If you’re in a similar situation right now. In that case, I hope you take time to join me in my conversation with Deb Timmerman and Barb Fletcher in the “Less Stress in Life” podcast as we talk about my experience, realizations and the steps I took that turned my life around for the better.

 In this podcast we’ll be talking about:


  • Shifting into a gratitude mindset
  • Training the mind and body to stay in the space of gratitude
  • Building habits of gratitude
  • Physical, mental, and relational benefits and results
  • Journaling gratitude

 Thinking of things to be grateful for is a small but immensely powerful practice. It changed my life greatly and If you’re ready to shift yours to a better and brighter one, sit down, relax, and listen to the podcast here.


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