2 Massage Therapists and a Microphone Podcast: Massage and Spa Success - Interview with Gael Wood

Feb 01, 2023

I had a great time joining Mochee in his podcast, “2 Massage Therapists and a Microphone”.

We all have a dream and we all have to start somewhere to achieve them. This podcast episode has me sharing my story from my beginning as a massage therapist to where I am right now. Listen to real experiences and scenarios to help you get a gist of what it’s like to enter marketing as a massage therapist.

It wasn’t easy to reach where I am now, it took a lot of effort and a positive mindset to keep the consistency up and running. I’ll be sharing what I’ve been through so that you can pick up effective practices to help you achieve your goals.

What you can expect to hear in this podcast are:

- How I started and how I developed my career
- Techniques on how to start your business in massage therapy
- Knowing about the other things I’m working on now
- Marketing tools you can use in massage therapy
- Networking and advertising tips
- Things to know and expect when starting out in marketing
- Some of the popular sections in my program
- Mindsets you need to achieve your dreams with marketing

Head down memory lane with me and Mochee and let’s pave new roads to our dream lives. Check this podcast out and take that step you need to go out into the world and build the life you want!


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