Waitlist or Last-minute Availability List | Day Nine of 12 Days of Money Challenge for Massage Therapists

Dec 21, 2024

Hey, and welcome back to day nine of the 12 Days of Money Challenge. Today, I want you to create a waitlist or a last-minute availability list—or it can be a combination of both. This is a way to keep track of clients who contact you but can’t schedule with you right away.

We all have clients who struggle to pre-schedule because of unknowns in their lives, whether it’s work, kids, or other commitments. Having a place to put those clients—with their permission—is a great way to stay organized. Simply ask, “Would you like me to add you to my list for last-minute availability appointments?”

With this list, you don’t want to use it every day, but reaching out once a week would be appropriate. For clients who are on a waitlist for next available, you’ll want to contact them first. So, you might actually have two lists that work together:

  1. Waitlist: Clients who say, “If you get any cancellations, please call me—I’ll do my best to come.”
  2. Last-Minute Availability List: Clients who don’t pre-schedule but want to know when you have openings.

This process will help you avoid holes in your schedule when cancellations happen, whether due to illness or other life events. Filling those spots quickly will help you keep your schedule intact.

If you use a system like ClinicSense, which I often recommend for massage therapists, you can easily segment your clients and create different lists. However, you can also keep it simple—use the notes app on your phone, a Google Doc, or even a notebook. Choose a method that feels manageable for you, so you can actually implement it. If you decide to upgrade to a fancier system later, that’s great, but this can work perfectly well in the meantime.

The key is to first contact clients on your waitlist, then move on to your last-minute availability list. Some clients on this list might not be able to come in regularly due to budget constraints, so they may prefer to wait for special offers—and that’s something we’ll cover in tomorrow’s tip.

If you don’t already have a waitlist or a way to segment your clients, this is a fantastic way to keep your schedule full.

Lastly, check out the Massage and Spa Success Club if you haven’t already. I hope you’ll join our group for next month’s live challenges. Every month, I host a new challenge in the group, and we also have an accountability area where members post almost every day. It’s simple and effective: you share what you said you’d do yesterday, what you accomplished, and what your goals are for today.

There’s something incredibly powerful about sharing your intentions with others—it really helps with follow-through. I use it myself, and my accountability updates are in there every day. You’ll see what I’m working on, how things are going, and you can be inspired by the other members in the group.



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