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10 Great Book Ideas for YOU to create!

There are so many reasons to write a book, I've highlighted some of them in this post here. But, if you are still looking for the perfect idea, this post is for you! Try brainstorming several ideas for each category and see what you come up with. 

1. The How To Book

Whatever you are good at, there are millions of people who struggle with that exact thing, and they are looking for help. From party planning to helping children learn to read, keeping a clean house, traveling the world, or living a healthy lifestyle.

How-to books are extremely popular, as we are all just trying to figure things out and live our best life. I even recently saw a book on Adulting. 

2. Your story, adventure, or journey. We've all figured some things out (I hope!), overcome challenges, and accomplished hard things. Encourage and inspire with your words, you never know who needs to hear your story to try something new or keep going. 

3. A Guide. Uncomplicate a complicated subject by writing the guide. Or, create a fun version of a guidebook, for example, The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy, one of my personal favs. She's gone on to create many more guides and a seemingly lucrative brand. 

4. Journals are very popular right now and can be as content-rich as you want, many people are even publishing journals with just a pretty cover and lined pages. You could add quotes, inspirational messages, Bible verses, or seasonal content. 

5. Planners are another popular option, people love to track things, stay organized, and plan projects. I'm thinking of creating a social media detox planner, and last year I created a Holiday Planner for my Mastermind Course Library members. 

6. Workbooks, are similar to journals or planners, but probably have more content. Mine are a mix of Self Help books & journals. 

7. Your own Research, Survey or Project Results. The book Soul Modes is based on a research project, The Happiness Project, and 168 Hours You Have More Time Than You Think. 

8. A Memoir, your memories can teach, inspire, entertain and help others know they are not alone! We all have our own brand of crazy, right? 

9. Self Help, is probably similar to How To but would likely address personal development, motivation, and the mind & spirit. It's easy to feel like all the self-help books have already been written, but not by you and you can add your experience and voice to the conversation. 

10. Poetry or Prayers, pretty self-explanatory, share your art and magic with the world!

The best book for you to write is the one you want to create! What is on your heart? What do you think would be just fun and awesome? You are here to reach your full potential and that means creating all that you are meant to. 

Check out some of the books I have written here



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